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2012年~~ 完成了人生大事

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很久沒寫網誌了 雖然也沒什麼人會看 哈哈~~因為能貼照片 就寫一下吧
今天是陳綺貞2009太陽演唱會前的簽唱會 以前沒參加過真正賣票演唱會的我
秉著一點點衝動跟害怕 就衝過去了 因為四點開始 所以我兩點半就到那邊了

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工作一年多了~~ 真的很多感觸 但是 卻沒有這麼多時間給我好好反省

前人都說 態度決定高度 做事的態度很重要 但是 說更事實一點

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剛開始工作的時候 有給自己下幾個大概的目標~~ 大部份都有實現了

先整理一下 再找時間想一想 整理一下接下來下年度要完成的

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到光陽工作已經十一個月了 雖然比起那些十幾二十年的老前輩還算是個小嫩咖

研究所的學弟也已經口試完了 每到這個時候 感覺是一個年代的輪流 我就會對上一個階段的我 想很多

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此行的目的有達到了 雖然玩也很累 但至少覺得心裡有放鬆的感覺了

星期五晚上 因為有約到一個台北的朋友佳其 說可以收留我一晚

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  • Nov 18 Sun 2007 21:39
  • 吉他

很久沒彈了 因為~~沒有聽眾~~ 也不知從何練起

是要封琴了嗎?? 雖然也沒彈得多好~~

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  • Nov 18 Sun 2007 10:51
  • 緣份

上星期四 我跟部門的一個大哥出差 在路上 他跟我聊了一些事

也是一樣 會問我現在有沒有女朋友~~ 然後他也跟我說他跟他老婆認識的經過

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放假的時候 時間過得更快 一下子就要休假了


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當工作忙的時候 就會覺得時間過得很快

當下班後 反而覺得人生過得好快

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迷惘了一下 我到底是誰???

為什麼我對女生的好 常常都被當作只是朋友的感覺

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  • Oct 25 Thu 2007 22:45
  • 忙碌

工作開始覺得忙碌了~~ 雖然時間幾乎都被工作佔去

這是充實嗎?? 在寧靜的夜晚~~ 靜靜的一個人自己在想

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英文寫累了 寫個中文網誌好了~~

今天股長派工作給我做了~~ 份量不輕>"< 感覺

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  • Oct 22 Mon 2007 21:04
  • famous

I am not an outstanding man, I even don't care who would search my blog or view my photos, there were few girls liked me before, evenmore a beauty one, I can't read what beauty girls think, maybe as for them, get a boy friend is like to change clothes, someday they don't like it, they can just throw it and find another one, because there are many clothes waiting for them to change, beauty is not mean the whole, I very hate the girl who has many choices and advantages but she always thinks that she is not satisfied, and always complains there are no good men in the world, I hate the one who plays on me, cheat of me, she complains that no one takes care about her, but she owns many things, what I can do is just far away from such people, and I don't want to care them any more to protect me from been cheat, I just want to be a normal people, the money, the woman, the famous, I even don't care about them, someone who cares I don't want to make friend with them, what I write here, maybe someone will very angry, but this is what I think.

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every week of Sunday evening, because of having to go to job tommorrow, I feel that during this time, the timing is running quickly and Monday will come very soon, I have to go to bed before 11 ,and have to get up at 6:30, ride my scooter to my company, and start one week of job, days by days, weeks by weeks, I feel that I will become old quickly, it looks like there is nothing to do beside my work, in the weekend, I can just wait for my old friend to come home and play ball with me, it's a long period of time to fight with life, I have to earn money to give back my loan for my collage, and save money to merry, to take care my parents, and even if I have child and wife, I have to try my best to solve every problems I meet, there is no way I can choice to hide from these problems, go ahead, everybody tell me, but how to effort?? I can just solve these problems by myself, no one can help me to take his/her reponsibility for me, what I can do is to keep struggle and keep optimistic , finally, Go ahead

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What's the true wholehearted friendship?? my two longest friends are elementary school classmates, one of them was my fifth class in elementary, and the other was sixth, I am very glad to have such friends to connect until now, all of classmates in my senior and collage were lost message each other, but in my collage I made many friends in an association, they made my collage life more colorful and happy, although some of them made me very sad and I even can't face to them until now, I know what happened to our relations, but I didn't want to solve these problems, because I didn't think they would forgive me, I knew that I made many troubles before, but I thought that only wholeheartedly friends would forgive me with saying nothing, in the first weekend of November is the birthday of NCKU scout association, I miss many firends there, but I compel myself to far away that circle, I will keep connect with those nice friends, but I can accept those who hate me and won't forgive my anymore, even some day I become a well-know man in the future, I want to search my true lover and steady job, then I have courage to face them without their sight, what is the true wholehearted friendship?? I think that the firendship is just to care about him anytime and anywhere, there is no ture friendship without difficult experiences, not only friendship, but ture love is , too.

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I have some things to do for my colleage asking me, he teach me many stage to upload and download and edit draws, since last Wednesday, I had done these work for more than four days, I had almost one hundred and fifty draws to make, I wanted to download them, and check if ther were correct and made sure they were in the right form, and type the right draw numbers on them, than upload them to the workstation, final, I had to print them to check them carefully, and upload to another work station, and sent them to the leader to check, there were many complete steps, today, I did my work all day, sometimes I felt tired, but I felt nice and comfrotable when they had done by me, my limbs are feeling weak now, there is something I desire to wait and I hope the ending will be good for me, GOD bless me, please.

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these two days, Saturaday and Sunday, I think that I have took enough rest, although I am going to work tommorrow, life looks like the loop, I do many thing the same every week and feel tired at Sunday night, on Saturaday, I went play baseball with my friend and had a lot fun for going city to buy something, in the evening, I watched Japenese drama for three hours, and was excited to that drama, at the same time, my friend sent me Mr Children's new song--the song for the way we start to go, the lyrics and the singer have a lot of emotion I like very much, yesterday, Saturaday, was a beautiful and happy day, but today, Sunday, because of the work tommorrow, I have to get enough rest for preparing work, in the end of this month, I will turn into the formal employee, and I can't be easy like these days, it looks like there are many things I want to do, like love, travel, go to a movie... and so on, it's luck for me to get job so quickly, but I have no time to get enough rest since I graduated from my graduate school, always, I really thirst for a lover, who is just only one I love and care, but now, I haven't no one in my mind, maybe someday, maybe after longer time, I just wait for her

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